
Using NLP techniques in your CV & Resume

iFormat Jun 28, 2021 Career Advice 0

What is NLP?It was developed in the 1970s by American psychologists Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLPposits the idea that a person’s cognitive, sensory, communicative, behavioural and emotionalfaculties can be consciously ‘programmed’ to achieve personal excellence. The adoption of basicneuro linguistic programming skills can improve business communication, relationship-building,creativity and goal-setting.How can we incorporate NLP into […]

The connection between Emotional Intelligence & Recruitment

iFormat Jun 28, 2021 Career Advice 0

To start with, I’d like for you to think about Emotional Intelligence in recruitment from a position ofhumility and modesty.I have experienced its evolution in the recruitment industry. There is something to be said abouthaving a high level of self-awareness to understand when you have said or acted in a way that hasundermined another human […]

If it’s understandable, it’s repeatable

iFormat Jun 28, 2021 Career Advice 0

Albert Einstein said; “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.The last 11 years of my life has been about understanding and enhancing productivity at every levelof every business with learning and development, from a company that has 40 000 employees to acompany that has 25 employees. It is pretty much […]



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